Marketing & Data Protection |
Available in the Classroom & via Microsoft Teams

Marketing & Data Protection
Course Overview:
Marketing and promotion can be a vital tool in increasing sales, encouraging engagement with a product or brand, or the promotion of aims and ideals. Many tools used in this process are individualised, with the aim of reaching those people most likely to respond. Where these tools use or utilise identifiable information about people, there are a number of legislative regimes that apply, which can be confusing. Breaches of the rules in a marketing context is one of the main reasons for fines being issued by the data protection regulator, so it's important to understand what the rules are, and how they apply specifically to marketing in whatever form. This course provides practical guidance on the application of the rules, and covers:
- An in-depth review of what type of information is caught by the legal regimes at play in both the UK and Ireland
- The areas of the GDPR that apply to marketing
- The additional rules on electronic marketing in the UK found in PECR (Privacy & Communications Regulations) and how these interact with the GDPR regime
- The rules that apply to the use of cookies, with a focus on the use of cookies for targeted campaigning
- Other tools that can be used in targeting campaigns, and how these can be employed without breaching the legal requirements
- Practical guidance on conducting marketing campaigns without falling afoul of data protection requirements